Spotlight on the pose: Virabhadrasana 3

Virabhadrasana 3 is one of the most useful balance poses because it is so easily adaptable. It also requires full body integration because if there is lack of cohesion in how different parts of the body work together, you will not be able to balance.

A video posted by Olga Kabel ( on

Virabhadrasana 3 (Warrior 3 pose)

Balance pose – Asymmetrical – Open frame

Main purpose: To train balance and improve overall structural integration.

Secondary purpose: To lengthen the spine, to strengthen the hips and to improve core stability.

How To

Move in-out of the pose: On the inhale raise your arms up. On the exhale slowly lean forward raising one leg up behind you. Try to keep the upper body and your back leg in one line. On the inhale return to the starting point.

Hold the pose: Every time you inhale lengthen your spine reaching forward with your fingertips (if the arms are extended forward) or the top of the head (if the arms are out to the sides) and stretching back through your raised leg. Do your best to keep your pelvis leveled with the floor. Every time your exhale gradually contract your abdomen from the pubic bone toward the navel to create stability in the torso.


Arms: You can keep the arms extended forward, out or back, depending on what feels best for your shoulders and what effect you are after.

  • Keeping the arms forward contributes to the sensation of length and helps strengthen you lats and shoulder muscles.
  • Keeping the arms out is easier for the shoulders and the neck and helps to engage the muscles between the shoulder blades.
  • Keeping the arms back facilitates the chest opening and engages the upper and middle back more strongly.

Legs: You can touch the toes of the back foot to the ground for more stability or raise the leg to be parallel to the ground (and anywhere in between). Raising the leg higher up will make it more challenging to balance. Just make sure that the upper body and the back leg remain in one line.

Combination of postures: Combining Virabhadrasana 3 with other standing poses is useful for specific structural purposes and effective balance training.

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