Spotlight on a pose: Virabhadrasana 1 (Warrior 1)

Virabhadrasana 1 is incredibly diverse. First of all, just thinking of yourself as a fierce (but peaceful) warrior helps you feel stronger and more powerful, so we want to embody the pose whenever we do it. Structurally, the classical form of the pose is used for strengthening the back, developing core stability and stretching the hip flexors. Considering our modern lifestyles, these are problem areas for many people. It also helps to stretch the chest and both sides of the torso to facilitate deeper breathing.

But the true diversity of this pose lies elsewhere. In Virabhadrasana 1 a huge variety of arm adaptations is possible. Some arm movements are used to relieve tension in specific areas of the body; others affect your energy; while others facilitate a particular state of mind. So this one pose has the potential to influence your structure, your energy and your mental state – and that is pretty powerful.

Virabhadrasana 1 (Warrior 1)

Back bend – Asymmetrical – Open frame

Main purpose: To stretch the anterior structures of the torso, specifically the chest, as well as hips and calves.

Secondary purpose: To strengthen the posterior structures of the body, especially lower back and glutes.

How To

INHALE: Bend your front knee and raise your arms up making sure that the chest ends up slightly in front of the hips.

EXHALE: Gradually contract the abdomen from the pubic bone toward the navel.

INHALE: Lift the chest forward and up, away from the hips WHILE MAINTAINING a partial abdominal contraction (the lower part of the abdomen will remain contracted).

EXHALE: Reengage the abdomen from the bottom to the top, keeping the lower body stable and grounded, pulling your back heel down toward the floor.

Continue to breathe like that, emphasizing the length of the spine on the inhale and abdominal support on the exhale. After several breaths come out of the pose straightening the front leg and lowering the arms.

How to Teach


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